Make a Referral

How do we get involved?

Initial Contact

Give us a ring, drop us an email or speak to any member of the team. Please bear in mind the pupil must have a profound physical disability. This does not include dyspraxia and hypermobility or ASD unless alongside a physical disability.


Complete Referrals

If we haven’t visited the relevant pupil before, we will send you (or you can download from the St Francis school website) a permission form to be signed by parents/guardians and an initial contact form to be completed by school staff with the details regarding the pupil’s condition and needs (ideally including relevant reports from other professionals) and the school’s desired outcomes for the pupil (based on the service we offer). 


Once we have received the signed permission forms, we will confirm whether the pupil falls within the remit of our service  and if so one or more of the team will arrange to visit the pupil or signpost you to other services if needed.



When we visit we would like to observe the pupil and work with the pupil, 1:1, class teacher and/or SENCO to create an action plan which can be used to measure progress.  We expect that evidence will be provided based on these goals and we will review it after a period of time. This may involve us loaning you equipment and providing training.


Follow Up

We will follow up the action plans and set new targets where required. We will continue to support you for as long as needed. Many of our pupils remain on our books for many years due to the challenging and changing nature of their needs.  We will contact once a term to check if any support is required and are available by phone or email, any time.



Parent:Carer Consent Form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 126.8 KB
Roles and Responsibilities.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 363.2 KB
2024 Request for Advice.docx
Microsoft Word Document 386.8 KB