PD Outreach

We offer free support to all Lincolnshire mainstream Primary and Secondary schools who are seeking support to include pupils with physical disabilities. This includes pupils in transition at each key stage (Nursery and post 16). Our Outreach team has a wealth of experience in teaching and supporting pupils with physical disabilities. We are able to offer guidance on support in curriculum access and moving and handling needs. We regularly Liaise with NHS Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Services. We offer support, advise and associated training in the assessment of needs and provision. For more information, please see the leaflet below.


What's the cost?

Our services are free to Lincolnshire schools. This includes all visits and most training. Moving and handling training is £80 per person and these are run frequently throughout the year. Although we can loan equipment and possibly software for trial purposes. Expenditure on software and equipment for long-term use should be met from individual school’s special needs budgets or other funding.


How can we help?

Please use the menu to the left to see information about our service including referrals, bookings, curriculum and moving & handling. 


PDNET Flyer.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 290.9 KB